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Become a temporary warehouse employee for this sustainable company in Ede!

Are you looking for a temporary job and do you like working with your hands? Become a Warehouse Employee for 1 to 2 months in Ede!

24 - 40 uur per week
Tussen €13,00 en €15,00 per uur

Wat ga je doen?

As a temporary warehouse employee at this sustainable company, you mainly take on a supporting role. You are responsible for checking and preparing deliveries and products. You also label packages. Do you have a driver's license? Then you can also occasionally deliver packages! So are you ready to roll up your sleeves for 1 to 2 months? Then this is the ideal vacancy!

The organisation
This sustainable organisation in Ede specializes in preventing food waste at companies. They measure and identify what type of food is thrown away, in what quantities, and at what time of day. This gives catering entrepreneurs insight into their food waste and how they can reduce it. Better for the planet and for your wallet!

As a warehouse employee you will work between 24 and 40 hours per week. You also earn between €13.00 and €15.00 per hour. What is important to know is that most of your colleagues speak English. It is therefore important that you have a good command of the English language.

Wat wij bieden

  • A temporary job of at least 1 month in Ede;
  • You earn between € 13.00 and € 15.00;
  • You are on the move a lot;
  • You will receive travel expenses reimbursement;
  • Contributing to a more sustainable world.

Wat wij vragen:

  • Minimaal mbo4 werk- en denkniveau;
  • You have a good command of the English language;
  • You are available for at least 1 month for at least 24 hours per week;
  • An advantage if you also have your driving license B.


Ben jij de perfecte kandidaat voor deze vacature en voldoe je aan de eisen? Klik dan op de knop 'Solliciteer direct!' en we nemen zo snel mogelijk contact met je op!

Extra informatie


Middelbare school, MBO, HBO, Universiteit
Werkuren per week
24 - 40
Tussen €13,00 en €15,00 per uur
Verantwoordelijk voor
Wrapping and labelling of packages, if you have a driver license; delivering packages

Ede | Stage logistiek | Middelbare school | MBO | HBO | Universiteit

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